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Bbedit For Mac 10.5 8 Download

BBEdit 10.5 Release Notes

  1. Bbedit For Mac 10.5 8 Download Pc
  2. Bbedit 11

BBEdit 10.5 is a significant feature update which includes support for Macs with the high-resolution 'Retina' displays, assorted new features, and fixes for reported issues.

  1. BBEdit 12.1.6. Release Date: – BBEdit 12.1.6 was a free and recommended update for all customers with BBEdit 12.0 through 12.1.5, whose machines meet the OS requirements.
  2. Jan 04, 2011  Download BBEdit for macOS 10.14 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎BBEdit is the leading professional text, code, and markup editor for the Macintosh. As the 'go to' tool for web site designers, web application developers, writers, and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for.

BBEdit for Mac is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh.Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. Dec 06, 2019  I like this app but really can't find an excuse to shell out the good hunk of money this app costs, when excellent editors like VSCode or Atom are available for free, not to mention commercial alternatives like Sublime that also are multi-platform - and also happens to have way lot more of features than BBEdit all of them. BBEdit is not available for Windows but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality. The most popular Windows alternative is Notepad, which is both free and Open Source.If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to BBEdit and loads of them are available for Windows so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement.

Bbedit For Mac 10.5 8 Download Pc

For details on all the new features and enhancements offered in BBEdit 10, please see its release notes.

For information on changes made in previous versions, please see the release notes archive.

For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose 'User Manual' from BBEdit's Help menu).


BBEdit 10 requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.

PowerPC-based Macs are not supported.


  • If you right-click inside of an <img> tag, the contextualmenu gets an additional item: 'Update Image Dimensions'. This willadd, or update, the width and height attributes of the imagefile specified in the src attribute (assuming that BBEdit is ableto resolve the reference to a file on your local disk). This saves around trip through the markup panel. Note that as always you can usethe 'Images' commands on Markup -> Update to perform this operationfor all of the <img> tags in a document (or folder, or site).

  • Projects have a new action menu, Site. This menu containscommands for configuring the project as a 'Web Site' project, withlocal root, defaults for new documents (and a 'New HTML Document'contextual menu command), settings for the image updater, and a newfeature: Deployment. This last allows you to configure the remotedestination for a site's contents, and determine what additionalsteps to take before uploading. Thus, deploying a site takes theplace of several operations that were previously manual.

  • When creating a new HTML document (from the dialogor from a template), there's a new substitution available:#LOCALE#. This is the 'short' locale code corresponding to the'Language' setting in the dialog box, e.g. en, de, x-klingon,and the like.

  • There's a new command on the Search menu: 'Compare AgainstPrevious Version'. If you're running on Mac OS X 10.7 or later,this command gives you access to previous versions of thedocument you're working on; you can compare and integrate changesfrom those versions, as desired. A new version is created each timeyou save a file. The version history is arbitrarily limited by thesystem; if you wish you may disable version creation entirely withan expert preference:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit AllowVersionedSaves -bool NO

  • There's a new menu in the menu bar: 'Go'. This menu containssome navigation commands that were previously on the Search menu (thusshortening the latter), and adds new commands and capabilities:

    • 'Functions' opens a floating window which lists thefunctions in the active document (if it's in a language whichscans for functions and other items that appear on thefunction menu in the navigation bar). The Functions windowcontains a search box so that you can filter down the list bytyping a partial function name.

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    • 'Jump Points' presents the jump history (implemented inprevious versions of BBEdit) and provides a means to exploreit in an out-of-order fashion, if desired.

  • There is a new command: Go -> Named Symbol.. This isthird on the 'Go' menu, and has a factory default equivalent ofCmd-Ctl-J (you may need to assign it yourself if it doesn't showup automatically, which could happen if you have keyboardequivalents held over from a suitable ancient version of BBEdit).

    This will present a sheet with all the functions and markers listed,and a filter box at the top. Choosing an item from the list jumpsthe text view to that location in the file.

  • The 'ASCII Table' palette has been replaced by theCharacter Inspector, which gives you live inspection of yourselected text. Although it's a static display, you can select anyof the representations of your selection and copy (or drag) themas desired.

  • Added a new (dynamic) menu command to the Filemenu: 'Close All in Project'. When the front window is a project,and contains open documents, this command is enabled and willclose all of the documents in the project without closing theproject itself. The factory default equivalent for this commandis Command-control-W.

  • 'Compare Two Front Documents' has been changed to 'Compare TwoFront Windows'. This more accurately reflects its behavior, andprovides for a more predictable set of rules, specifically: thiscommand is enabled only if there are two or more editingwindows open, and a text document is active in each of thefrontmost two windows, and if neither window is blocked by amodal dialog box).

    With this change, the command is no longer available to compare twodocuments in the same window; however, you can select thosedocuments in the file list and use the 'Compare' command on thecontextual menu.

  • Added a new command to the Edit menu: 'Paste &Select'. This is dynamic, and becomes visible when holding downthe Option key. The factory default keyboard equivalent isCommand-Option-V. (It's also visible in the contextual menu intext views, again by holding down the Option key.)

  • Live preview windows now have a new item in theirnavigation bar: 'Preview Filter'. This choice lets you route thedocument's contents through the text filter of your choice beforedisplay. The default choice is '(language default)'; in thiscase, the preview contains the language module's default HTMLconversion, as before.

    An example of how you might use this manually would be with aMarkdown document, to override the default built-in Markdownconversion with something tailored more closely for your own needs(e.g. MultiMarkdown).Using this as an example, after installing the MultiMarkdownpackage, you could create a symlink (or alias) from/usr/local/bin/multimarkdown to your ApplicationSupport/BBEdit/Preview Filters/multimarkdown, at which point youcould choose 'multimarkdown' from the Preview Filter menu in thepreview window.

    Preview filters may reside in one of two places: a new folder,Application Support/BBEdit/Preview Filters/, or in an installedpackage's Contents/Preview Filters/ directory. (So, for example,if someone supplied a BBEdit package for MultiMarkdown, it mightconceivably contain a multimarkdown executable that you could use.)

    Preview filters may themselves be one of three things:

    • An AppleScript, with a FilterTextForBBEditPreview entrypoint. This entry point will receive a unicode text objectwhich is the document's contents. If there is noFilterTextForBBEditPreview entry point, the script's runhandler will be called with the text. The script shouldreturn a unicode text result.

    • A Unix executable (the precompiled multimarkdown binary beinga good example);

    • A Unix script, beginning with an appropriate #! line.

    Both Unix scripts and Unix executables will receive the document'scontents as UTF-8 text on STDIN; they should write UTF-8 text toSTDOUT, and the output will be previewed.

    If you wish to assign a keyboard equivalent for opening the PreviewFilters menu, you can do so in the Menus & Shortcuts preferences(look under 'Preview Windows').

    Live preview windows will remember your Preview Filter selectionper-document. In addition, the preview filter will default to onenamed 'DefaultFilter_<languagename>' in your ApplicationSupport/BBEdit/Preview Filters/ folder. Unlike default previewtemplates and CSS, the filename extension of the preview filter isnot significant; so the following examples will all work:

    • (a Perl script)
    • DefaultFilter_Markdown.scpt (an AppleScript)
    • DefaultFilter_Markdown (a compiled executable)

    The default preview filter can also be a symlink or alias to afilter elsewhere.

  • In addition to a Preview Filters directory, BBEditpackages can now also contain Preview Templates and PreviewCSS directories, within their Contents directory. Items herefollow the same rules as for the global Preview Templates andPreview CSS folders in Application Support/BBEdit/, and willappear on the appropriate menus in a live preview window.

  • Tags file discovery has been enhanced, and no longer reliesstrictly on directory scanning. Tags files are discovered usingSpotlight; a file whose name is tags or whose name ends in .tagsor .ctags (see below) is eligible, and if it resides in theancestor directory hierarchy of the document, its symbols will beavailable for code completion and syntax coloring. Since tags isa filename extension, you can have multiple tags files available forthe same directory hierarchy, e.g.

    Mac OS X 10.7 SDK.tags
    Project Sources.tags

    BBEdit exports the UTI com.barebones.bbedit.ctags-data, whichconforms to public.utf8-plain-text, for files whose extensionsare tags and ctags. This UTI drives the Spotlight support.

    If you have disabled Spotlight on your local disk (or for thedirectory tree containing your source files) or if your Spotlightindex is incomplete, BBEdit will discover tags files the oldfashioned way, and the old limitations will apply (only files namedtags will be discovered, and so you can have only one tags file atany level in the directory tree).

    NB: Due to bugs in the OS, this feature actually works as describedonly on 10.6.x, 10.7.x, and 10.8.{N > 1}.

  • The contextual menu for file lists in projects gets a 'Save'command; 'Close' and 'Close Others' now work in the 'Project'section of the file list in project windows.

  • There's a new grouping in the sources list for multi-filesearch/replace and text factory application: 'Open EditingWindows'. This collection includes any window which has one ormore editing documents in it. If you want to constrain theoperation to the documents that are already open in a particularwindow, this is the place to do it.

  • There's a new color setting for syntax coloring: 'Variables'. Somelanguages support this (PHP and Perl); most do not but the colorinformation may be generated by language modules at theirdiscretion.

  • Projects save to disk have a new item in the bar below the filelist: it presents a menu containing 'Site Settings', which brings upa sheet for configuring the project as a web site. The old 'Sites'in the Setup panel are no longer supported.

  • Text windows get a scripting property: 'display magnification'.This is a float; 1.0 is normal display.

    Note that the display magnification is independent of the font size setting.

  • There's a new switch for the bbedit tool: -m (longform --language). This allows you to specify a language name onthe command line when piping data in to bbedit from a Unix tool.For example:

    some-process bbedit --language Rubysome-process bbedit -m JSON

    You may also use an Emacs mode name that maps to your designatedlanguage (this can easily be generated by converting the language nameto lower case and replacing spaces with dashes):

    some-process bbedit --language object-pascalsome-process bbedit -m json

    (Historical note: -l was already taken, which is why we didn't use ithere. If it helps, you can use the mnemonic '-m is for *mode*'.)

  • The popup menu next to the 'href' attribute in theMarkup panel (when editing anchors and certain other tags) nowincludes internal anchors for eligible destination files. Anchorsin the document you're editing are available at the top level ofthe menu; anchors for other files listed on the menu are in asubmenu attached to each file.

  • Clippings may be used in Find and Find Multiplewindows. If this causes you heartache, you may disable thefeature using this expert setting:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ClippingsWorkInFindWindows -bool NO

  • When you use the right-arrow key to navigate over a closingdelimiter (right paren/brace/bracket/curly quote), the openingdelimiter will be briefly highlighted. If you wish to turn thisoff, there's an expert pref:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FlashBalancePointsWhenNavigating -bool NO

Bbedit 11


  • Unix script output logs now live in ~/Library/Logs/BBEdit/,either in 'Unix Script Output.log', or, in the case ofscript-file-specific log files, in ~/Library/Logs/BBEdit/UnixScript Output/{script name}.log.

  • 'Hard Wrap' now does, essentially, what 'Rewrap Quoted Text'used to (in fact, the two were virtually identical). So, the lattercommand is gone, and 'Hard Wrap' brings up a sheet for performing aquoting-character-aware wrap. (If there are no quote-prefixed lines,then this behaves identically to the old Hard Wrap.) Note, also,that there is now only an option for wrapping to a specificcharacter width.

  • The Markup Builder panel now provides additional options forchoosing a file when editing URI attributes (such as href): apopup menu allows you to choose from files in the same directory asthe front document, including submenus for folders (one level down).You can also easily get at recently used files, as indicated. The'Other..' command will open a file picker for choosing an arbitraryfile.

  • The text view toolbar has been slimmed down and furthersimplified. The pencil has been consigned to the dustbin of history.The toolbar itself is now only one row of text, and displays thedocument's path (with the associated popup menu), as before. The'Last Saved' indicator has been moved into the status area at thebottom of the text view, and may be switched on and off globally,using the 'Document save date' preference in the Appearancepreferences.

  • 'n' is now a synonym for 'r' when searching andreplacing, with or without Grep; use either when you wish to find orreplace with a line break. Note that you should avoid considerationsof what the actual bit pattern is; BBEdit uses a particular internalrepresentation which is an implementation detail. If you want tosearch for or replace with a line break, use r or n and allowline break translation to do its thing; do not second-guess thesystem and assume a particular bit pattern.

    If for some reason you need the previous behavior, you may return toit with an expert preference:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit LegacySearchStringEscapeMapping -bool YES

  • Support for CVS has been removed; the 'CVS' menu no longerexists. Note that you can continue to use BBEdit as a commit editorand diff helper for CVS, with the appropriate CVS configurationvariables referring to the bbedit and bbdiff tools,respectively; this is left as an exercise for the reader.

  • 'Convert to ASCII' is gone as a discrete menu command; itsability has been rolled into 'Zap Gremlins'. ('Replace with Code'will replace with the nearest ASCII equivalent.)

  • Added a new setting to the Keyboard preferences: 'Allow PageUp and Page Down keys to move the insertion point'. It's off bydefault, which is the standard Mac behavior. Refugees from otherplatforms may feel more comfortable if it's turned on; doing soallows the insertion point to remain in the same position relativeto the top and bottom of the window (which entails changing itsposition in the text) when scrolling via Page Up or Page Down.

  • There's new iconography for the toolbar and navigation bar.

  • Added a padlock next to the document save date, to indicatethe document lock state. This takes the place of the old pencil.(Side note: 'If you don't, I'll poison your dinner' is a compellingargument for a feature request, but can typically only be usedonce.)

  • Shell worksheets get a new icon to indicate sudo mode.

  • There's a new preference in the Appearance preferences:'Document Lock State'. This controls whether the padlock indicatoris visible in the status area (next to the save date). When thepadlock is visible, you can click on it to unlock (or lock) thedocument.

  • In the Multi-File Search window, you can now choose Ziparchives (or any file that looks like a Zip, including things likeEPUB) as the source for a multi-file search (or replace).

  • There are three new commands on the Edit menu: 'Move LineUp', 'Move Line Down', and 'Delete Line'. These are single-command(and thus single-keystroke) equivalents for editing operations thatmight otherwise require multiple gestures. The keyboard equivalentscan be modified in the 'Menus & Shortcuts' preferences as usual. NB:Control-up-arrow and Control-down-arrow previously were used forscrolling the document using they keyboard. If you wish to restorethat behavior, clear the keyboard equivalents for Move Line Up andMove Line Down, or set them to something else.

  • Enhanced the detection used by 'Open Counterpart'and the Counterparts navigation bar item to include all files whosefile names begin with the base name of the active document's file.The Counterparts navigation bar item now drops a menu with all ofthe available counterparts. There's a new keyboard equivalent in the'Navigation Bar' section of the Menus & Shortcuts prefs, so that youcan use the keyboard to open the Counterparts menu, if desired.

  • The Find Differences results windows no longer display thepencil next to the new and old file names.

  • In addition to toggling Soft Wrap, the Text Display menulets you change the wrap mode. Those options are now also in thetoolbar's Text Options menu.

  • The legacy AutoAssignCommandKeysToWindows expert preference(which was deprecated in 10.0 and actually never documented) hasbeen removed, along with all of the machinery that used it.

  • The search logic in 'Open Counterpart' has beenimproved to cover cases that weren't previously served by strictproject-searching logic. Consider this arrangement of files andfolders:

    When in either file, 'Open Counterpart' will now search the siblingsof the file's parent for eligible counterparts. By default, the folderswill only be searched if they match one of the following names (includingwildcards): inc*, source, src, *priv*. If you wish to add additionalqualifying names, you may do so by setting the CounterpartSiblingSearchNamesexpert preference with a comma-delimited list of folder name patterns:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit CounterpartSiblingSearchNames -string 'foo*, bar, *mumble*, wumpus'

    Any whitespace surrounding names is stripped.

  • The items listed in the 'Menus & Shortcuts' preferencepane get a subtle placeholder when no keyboard equivalent isassigned.

  • In addition to showing counterparts, the 'Counterparts'navigation bar item now shows files that are in the samedirectory as the active document (as long as it exists on disk).

  • The 'Project' item grouping in project windows can now becollapsed. The 'Currently Open Documents' list will take up theslack.

  • More improvements to Open File by Name:

    • if you type in an unqualified partial path, e.g. sys/errno.h,BBEdit will check the path components and only display fileswhose immediate ancestry matches what you entered. In thisexample, it would list /usr/include/sys/errno.h but not/usr/include/errno.h.

    • If you type in an absolute path, or a home-directory-relativepath, e.g. /usr/include/errno.h or ~/.bash_profile, BBEditwill now show the file if it exists at that location.

  • Internal support for Dreamweaver integration has been removed.You can still open Dreamweaver files in BBEdit (or vice versa)and edit them as usual; both applications can cope with changestaking place on disk while the file's open. Dreamweaver willprobably complain that the version of BBEdit you're using is notcompatible. To resolve this, go to Dreamweaver's preferences,select 'File Types/Editors', and turn off the option labelled'Enable BBEdit Integration'. If you wish you can then configureBBEdit as an editor for files matching the '.html' extension,or any others that you wish to edit with BBEdit.

  • When creating new markup (as opposed to editing existingelements/attributes), the markup panel will now remember theattributes that you used to create a given element. The memory iskeyed by the element name, so attributes are remembered separatelyfor the different elements that you use.

  • If there are no other alternatives, Open File by Name willfigure out whether the front document is contained within aconfigured web site. If so, the site's root will be included inthe file search.

  • BBEdit no longer promises or supplies Mac Roman text to theclipboard, nor looks for it. Since most Mac OS X applications nowsupply Unicode or UTF-8, this should have no visible effect.

  • There has been extensive internal rework, to remove cruft and pavethe way for future improvements.

  • When considering dropped files for insertion or linking,the application will now inspect their contents in cases in whichthe file metadata doesn't indicate that it's a text file.

  • The Unix Script Output log file is now stored as UTF-8with no BOM. (The on-disk encoding of this file is an implementationdetail that you should not rely on.)

  • There's now a kill switch for default filename extensions:

    defaults write com.barebones.{bbedit,textwrangler} EnableDefaultFilenameExtensions -bool NO

    This will prevent the application from adding the default name extension whensaving a new file (including .txt for files with no language).

  • Results exported as text now include the full path to the file(s)in question, relative to the home directory if possible.

  • When using 'Open Selection' or choosing an include file from theIncludes menu in the navigation bar, BBEdit will use the same logicas Open File by Name to locate the desired file. Open Selection willno longer open the 'Open File by Name' window (which used to requirean extra step to open the desired file), unless there's more thanone match found for the specified file name.

  • Changed the factory default setting forFixedWidthFontSmoothingThreshold to 8pt, so that Monaco 9 looksreasonable when antialiased (especially on retina displays).

  • The appearance of the file lists in disk browsers and projectwindows has been updated.

  • Made two behavior changes to Unix tool discovery: first, if thetool's override path is set to /dev/null, BBEdit will pretend thatthe tool doesn't exist at all, effectively disabling any featuresthat depend on the tool. Second, if the override preference existsand is an invalid path, BBEdit will give up immediately rather thanattempting to locate the tool in your PATH or elsewhere.

  • When doing an 'Open Selection' on a full path('/path/to/something'), home-relative path('~/path/to/something') or URL, the indicated item is now openedimmediately if found, rather than requiring a trip through the OpenFile by Name window.

  • The 'modified' property of a document is now mutable whilethe document is being created. This allows constructions such as:

    make text document with properties {contents:t, modified:false}

  • When running on 10.8 and later, BBEdit now uses thesystem-provided Notification Center for completion of certainoperations, unless Growl is installed and running, in which caseit will use Growl as before.

  • The 'Show Clipboard' command on the Edit menu has been retired.It now lives on a farm upstate.

  • When entering full screen mode, the application figures outwhether the window width should be increased to take up the fullscreen width, or not, based on the width of the window relativeto the width of the screen that it's on. The threshold at whichthe window is made to take up the entire screen width can be setthus:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FullScreenWidthThreshold -float 0.65

    The threshold is a percentage, so (in the example above), if thewindow is 65% or more of the width of the screen that it's on, itwill take up the full width of the screen when entering full screenmode.

    Note that when setting the threshold, you must set it as a decimalnumber, using -float <some number between 0 and 1>.

  • Counterpart discovery (for 'Open Counterpart' and theCounterparts navigation bar item) can now use an open projectdocument to locate eligible files.

  • The expert preference which reports single-file Replace Allresults (using a sheet in the editor window) is now off bydefault. If you miss it, the following expert invocation willturn it on:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ReportReplaceAllResults -bool YES

  • If the xcrun tool is available, BBEdit now consultswith it when looking for Unix helper tools (e.g. svn) in theabsence of an explicit expert override.

  • If a Worksheet takes more than 0.5 seconds to completeits task, it will post a notification when it returns to idle.The minimum time to wait may be controlled via expert preference:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit WorksheetNotificationMinimumRunTime -float [delay in seconds]

    Setting this to 0 will disable the notification altogether.

  • Control-n and Control-p are synonyms forprevious/next when navigating the list of results in Open File byName windows.

  • Control-k is a synonym for Command-Delete (a.k.a.clear field) in Live Search.

  • In the Open File By Name window, holding down Optionwhile clicking 'Open' (or pressing 'Return') will askLaunchServices to open the selected items.

  • App state restoration has an indeterminate progressdialog, hopefully hinting that 'No, we're not hung; we're busy'.

  • The 'current process' indicator in shell worksheets nowhas a spinny thing so that you know something's running, and aclicky thing if you want to stop the running thing indicated bythe spinny thing.

  • When running a shell script from the shebang menu,additional arguments are passed along to the command, so thingslike:

    #!/usr/bin/env python --version

    will return

    Python 2.7.3

  • Update the internal HTML5 language spec to the current state ofthe working group's 'living spec' as of November 14, 2012. Itwill surely be completely outdated by the 15th.


  • Leading and trailing whitespace and line breaksare now stripped from string values in codeless language modules, toresolve situations in which a multi-line formatted pattern using(?x:..) ended with one or more carriage returns after the closingparenthesis, which would in turn cause the pattern to not functionas intended.

  • Fixed bug in which certain malformations in codelesslanguage modules were not detected early enough to prevent them fromcausing problems later on.

  • Fixed bug in which 'Run in Terminal' and 'Run in Debugger'were inappropriately sticky for scripts run from the Scripts orApply Text Filter menus.

  • Made a change to reduce the amount of time spent loadingnames from tags files for syntax coloring.

  • Fixed bug in which the #FILE# placeholder used anincorrect name when the document whose name should have been usedwas open in a project window.

  • Fixed a bug in which the Multi-File Search window did too much workin situations where documents were being opened (or closed) at highfrequency.

  • Fixed bug in which changing the Soft Wrap Text settings(Page Guide/Window Width/Character Width) in per-languagepreferences would set them to the wrong value.

  • Fixed a bug in which Replace All operations consumed farmore memory than was appropriate, which in turn would contribute toprematurely running out of memory while processing a large quantityof files.

  • Fixed bug in which the UseEscapeKeyAsCompletionTrigger expertpreference didn't work. Also, its behavior has been changed suchthat when it is turned on, the Escape key is no longer functional asan Emacs command prefix. This eliminates the need to strike Esctwice in order to trigger completion (when the expert preference isin use).

  • Fixed bug in which the 'Comment' and 'Uncomment' buttons in theUtilities palette were incorrectly disabled. They're now coalescedinto one, Un/Comment (which tracks the change to the menu structurefor 10.1.1) and it behaves correctly now.

  • Fixed bug in which the window shape saved by 'Save DefaultProject Window' was not honored when opening a folder or making anew project from scratch.

  • Fixed missing Command-key modifier on the keyboardequivalent for Un/Comment.

  • Added a few more types to the list of things that BBEdit recognizesas text documents.

  • Made a change to avoid tickling a bug on 10.6.x whichcould cause stalls or a crash while saving file references inprojects and a few other locations.

  • Attribute values that look like they're dynamicallygenerated are now skipped by the HTML syntax checker, in order tosuppress the errors that would result.

  • Fixed a bug in which the #! line in unix filters runfrom text factories was parsed incorrectly when the Unix filter'ssource file was not marked +x (executable).

  • Fixed crash which would occur when cancelling a download of theuser manual.

  • Corrected about-box link to Zocalo Coffeehouse; added a credit linefor Funranium Labs (the Black Blood of the Earth).

  • Fixed a bug in which opening (by pulling down) the Open Recent menuwould mount remote volumes or disk images when it was really notnecessary. That work is now deferred until you actually choose anitem from the menu.

  • Fixed internal exception and subsequent crash which wouldoccur when trying to save a Grep pattern (via the Setup window) withan empty field.

  • Fixed bug in which a now-unused preference from an oldversion would cause the toolbar to remain visible, even when all ofthe gating preferences were turned off in the Appearance prefs.

  • Fixed bug in which included files were not properlylocated when specified relative to the site root of a configured website.

  • Fixed bug in which Preview in BBEdit didn't work correctly for Lassodocuments.

  • Fixed bug in which contextual-menu markup commands were not available inLasso documents, even when the selection range was in an HTML tag.

  • Fixed bug in which saving a document would cause its name to reset in theproject list, in cases where it had previously been renamed using the 'Rename'command.

  • Fixed a bug in which file locators (used in projects and other places) wouldinappropriately carry over a legacy-format alias record.

  • Fixed a bug in which folders in project windows would sometimes refuse totwist open after opening the project.

  • Fixed bug in which 'Copy as Styled Text' would cause acrash when applied to certain files (dependent on syntax coloring).

  • Fixed bug in which 'Replace All' or 'Replace to End' wouldfail in cases where the most recent direct search from the Findwindow was a 'Find Previous', and there were no matches between thestart of the selection range and the beginning of the document.

  • Resolved an incorrect icon reference in the applicationproperties which caused blank icons to be displayed for TextWranglerdocuments; and removed some inappropriate UTI exports.

  • Fixed bug in which New (with Clipboard) incorrectly forced thedocument's language to '(none)' and thus interfered with automaticlanguage guessing.

  • Fixed bug in which the esc-q Emacs keybinding brought upthe Hard Wrap options sheet, instead of just doing it.

  • Fixed a pair of bugs that conspired to mangle windows located on adisplay which got disconnected; typically they would end up back onthe main display, but at an unusably tiny size.

  • Armorplated the suspected site of a nonreproducible crash.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when decoding AppleDoublefiles from within Zip archives, and the file was missing an entryfor the resource fork.

  • Fixed bug in which using the 'Close' contextual menu tosave and close multiple documents would result in the documentsbeing neither saved nor closed.

  • Fixed bug in which the file type filter setting was notcorrectly retained when closing and reopening a project. Along theway, cleaned up some glitches in the file filter menu.

  • Added some missing search keywords for items in theApplication preferences.

  • Added comment strings to the Verilog and VHDL language modules.

  • Changed the embedded Textile preview script to properlyuse UTF-8 I/O so that non-ASCII characters preview correctly.

  • Fixed a crash when starting up with items in our StartupItems folder and DragThing running.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when using a service to openitems while DragThing was running (and in a couple of othersituations).

  • Fixed a crash which would occur while trying to locatectags files relative to a file that had been implicitly created by acommand of the form bbedit ./path/to/some/file.txt, when the filein question didn't exist yet.

  • If the front editing window is in full screen mode, thenUnix script output will be opened into the front window, rather thaninto a separate window (and separate space). (In cases where theUnix Script Output window is already open, there will be no changeto document grouping or ordering.)

  • Fixed bug in which windows created while BBEdit was infull screen mode would end up with their title bars under the menubar after exiting full screen mode.

  • Completion is now allowed in 'content' runs of TeX documents.

  • When the HTML function scanner sees a <script> tagmissing an explicit language qualifier, it will now assume theelement to contain JavaScript, so that JS function detection andfolding work correctly within.

  • Fixed bug in which C++ typedefs containing namespacedeclarations would confuse the function scanner.

  • Attempted workaround of an OS bug in which keyboard eventsregistered during or close to the end of a three-finger trackpaddrag (to select text) were lost. So, if you did a three-finger dragand hit Cmd-X too quickly after releasing the trackpad, the desiredCut operation would not take place.

  • Fixed bug in which using 'Save to FTP Server' on an opendocument would not correctly update the information in the CurrentlyOpen Documents list (or in the project).

  • Added 'rgba' to the CSS keywords list.

  • Fixed bug in which automatically generated CSS markupwould inappropriately use tabs for indentation, instead of spaces,when 'Auto-Expand Tabs' was turned on in the document being markedup.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when trying tomanipulate certain properties of a browser window when no documentwas being viewed.

  • The number of arguments passed to Unix command execution is nowlimited by the total amount of data that's allowed to be sent to thepipe (64K - 1), and not a hard number of arguments. This resolves a'too many arguments' error that would occur when trying to performcertain large-scale operations on discrete files (such as svnrevert on a lot of selected files in a results list).

  • The inline collapsed-text 'pill' indicator is now scaledappropriately for a larger range of font sizes (and looks moreattractive at all sizes).

  • Fixed crash when running a text factory containingone or more 'Run Unix Filter' actions.

  • Fixed a bug in which certain fonts could not be used for printing.

  • Fixed bug in which the sources list in the Multi-File Search windowwasn't highlighted with the proper colors when the window (or theapplication) was not active.

  • fish is added to the internal list of shells that are run aslogin shells (for worksheets). Note that at this writing, fishisn't actually usable in worksheets, but these settings will benecessary for when it's compatible.

  • If necessary, BBEdit will now ask the installed svn for a file'sstatus, in cases where no .svn directory is present. This allowsthe built-in subversion commands to work correctly with Subversion1.7 and later.

  • Check for certain (very short) but canonical strings atthe beginning of a possible text file. This corrects some cases inwhich a UTF8 check of the partial file can end up falsely reportingthe file as non text, in case the file contains a lot of validmulti-byte UTF-8 characters, and the check ends on a characterboundary.

  • Fixed bug in which the results of 'Find Definition' were notproperly sorted by line number as they should have been.

  • When enumerating an Xcode project, eliminate duplicates toavoid duplicate results in the Open File by Name window (and otherplaces).

  • Fixed bug in which soft-wrap indentationpreferences were not correctly applied when printing.

  • Improved guessing of Objective-C/C++ files.

  • Fixed bug in which the last line of the selectionwould be skipped entirely when doing a 'Print Selection', if theselection did not end with a line break.

  • Fixed bug in which ridiculously long strings were notselectable in the search history menu.

  • 'Select Line' and 'Select Paragraph' are now disabled in theFind and Multi-File Search windows.

  • Fixed bug which allowed disk browser windows to becollapsed to zero width.

  • You can now use 'Replace to End' when the Find window isin front (assuming that the window immediately behind is also aneligible target for a Replace All operation).

  • Truncate the file name in the 'Run..' sheet (on the #!menu) to avoid wrapping in the control.

  • Fixed impedance mismatch in the scripting systeminternals, in which testing for uniqueness of an item's name wascase sensitive, but resolving references to items by name was caseinsensitive, leading to errors when trying to do things likecompare two open documents with names differing only in case. (Notethat as a side effect of this fix, BBEdit will be strict aboutresolving references to objects by name; the case that you supplymust match the case of the desired object.)

  • Fixed bug in which the Markup Builder panel would appearin outer space if the insertion point (or selection range) had beenscrolled out of view.

  • Fixed bug in which the 'Apply Text Filter' head menucouldn't be hidden, and corrected the name in the Menus & Shortcutspreferences.

  • Added plurals for project classes in the scripting terminology.

  • Added '!' to the list of characters which is consideredwhen deciding whether a string needs to be shell-escaped beforesending it to the Terminal.

  • Fixed bug in which the HTML checker was looking for thewrong kind of delimiter in 'headers' table attributes.

  • Fixed bug in which the 'Run selection only' option inthe Run.. command on the #! menu had no effect. Note thatalong with this fix there's a behavior change: if you have aneligible selection, the 'Run' (no ellipsis) command will run theselection; otherwise it will run the whole document. This isdifferent from the previous behavior, in which the 'Run selectiononly' switch was sticky (and since it was invisible, you neverknew what would happen).

  • When doing 'Find in Reference' URL lookups, only thesymbol name (and, if used, the language name) are encoded withpercent escapes, rather than applying them to the whole URL string.This way, you can use URL metacharacters in the template string(such as '#') and they'll work.

  • Fixed formatting of <script>, <style>, and other tagswith special content considerations when using a profile (includingthe 'Pretty Print' option).

  • The UseNumericKeypadForCursorMovement preference stillworks, but since there's no GUI for it, changes to it can only takeplace outside of the application. Such changes are now correctlydetected. Also, there's now notification feedback for toggling thesetting on the fly (which can be done using Option-Num-Lock [theupper left key on the numeric keypad]).

  • Canonicalize filter names for the 'Apply [Last] TextFilter' command.

  • Fixed bug in which the ProjectsOpenItemsOnSingleClickexpert preference was not honored for the Project and Recent lists,as it should have been.

  • Corrected bug which caused the Text Encodings preferencepane to display stale values after Restore Defaults, unless the appwas quit and restarted.

  • If you dismiss the Markup Builder panel while the combobox is open, we now hide the combo box.

  • Fixed bug in which certain tags which should have beenallowed as selections in the markup panel (for creating a new tagvia Edit Markup) were not.

  • Corrected the scripting dictionary to clarify that the searchstring and replacement string properties are returned as Unicodetext; and the search string script and replace string scriptproperties have been removed, since they haven't been used for along time (and access to them didn't work).

  • Fixed bug in which the line number bar didn't alwaysrefresh correctly when adjusting the line spacing preference.

  • When creating a new HTML document using a Unicodeencoding, non-ASCII characters in the title are no longerentity-escaped, since they don't need to be.

  • Fixed bug in which list views with keyboard focuswouldn't allow keystrokes that didn't belong to them to propagateto the rest of the system.

  • A bug in the python module caused folds to start in the wrongplace when a foldable, non-comment block began with a comment.

  • A Java file's fold points and function popup would becomeconfused if, under certain circumstances, a class instance wascreated and properties were accessed all in the same statement,such as with new Foo(new Bar(bat).baz()).

  • Attempts to change the soft wrap mode to an invalidvalue using the scripting interface will now report an error.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when leaving certainterms blank in a file filter.

  • Fixed bug in which the 'Edit' button for editing theknown_hosts file in case of an SSH host verification failuredidn't work on newer versions of the OS.

  • 'Save As' is now disabled when the active document is'synthetic' (derived from the contents of a Zip archive ortarball, or downloaded directly from a URL). Use 'Save a Copy',which behaves correctly in ways that 'Save As' did not when itwas inappropriately enabled.

  • Removed inappropriate attribute specifications from the<script> tag definition in the HTML 4.0/4.01 syntax checkerdefinitions.

  • The font panel accessory view (with the tab widthsetting) no longer comes and goes whenever the font panel's eventtarget changes; this in turn eliminates the tendency of the fontpanel to 'shimmy' when closing or opening a bunch of documents.

  • Fixed bug in which the per-language tab width settingwasn't properly applied when changing a document's languagesetting.

  • Added large and high-resolution icons for the application.

  • When importing the clipboard from another application,we now rotate the clipboard ring (in a fashion similar to whathappens when you Copy; so no rotation occurs if the current slotis empty). This way, 'Paste Previous' can be used with textcopied from other applications.

  • When enumerating a project for Open File by Name,duplicate entries are eliminated in order to avoid duplication inthe results.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when quittingwith a project window open, and a document with unsaved changeswas open (not in the project window) and 'Restore unsavedchanges' was turned off in the Application preferences.

  • When running a shell process (for #! scripts and otherpurposes), we take a moment to grab the login environment and usethat to set up the shell environment for the script being run.This should (among other things) ensure that $PATH and otherimportant environment variables are set correctly when runningUnix scripts and commands from within the application.

  • Fixed bug in which window split options wereinappropriately mirrored into other windows (e.g. results or diskbrowsers).

  • Fixed bug in which in-document token completion didn'twork for Fortran-9x documents.

  • Fixed bug in which site-defined environment variableswere not set for #bbinclude Unix scripts when they should havebeen, and were instead passed through as 'undefined'.

  • Fixed a bug which caused the delete key to behave oddlywhen editing an href in the Markup Builder panel.

  • Fixed bug in which windows containing editingviews (including project windows) were allowed to be madenarrower than was healthy.

  • Fixed crash when using the contextual menu to createattributes.

  • Prevent Worksheets from executing commands that startwith an opening paren, but do not end with a closing paren.

  • Fixed a memory leak managing a project's recent items.

  • Fixed a bug which cased Worksheets to not save if CWDcould not be determined at save time (due to broken pipes, or abusy worksheet).

  • Corrected a bug which caused the Menus & Shortcuts paneto display stale keystroke data until the window had beenrecycled.

  • Made it possible to use the Menus and Shortcuts pref pane toassign key equivalents to scripts nested in folders.

  • Fixed a bug which made clearing or assigning keyequivalents which contained glyphs unreliable.

  • The Patterns setup editor and find menus menus are keptin sync. Items may be rearranged in the Setup window, and themenu will immediately reflect those changes.

  • Removed some obsolete floaters from the AppleScript dictionary.

  • Disk Browsers expose a r/w 'root path' property inthe scripting dictionary. It does what it sounds like it does.

  • Fixed a bug which caused Live Search to mis-report thehit count if a match abuts its own doppelg채nger.

  • replacing all the text in a view via the scriptinginterface (or certain other mechanics) no longer scrolls to theend.

  • Fixed crash which would occur after copying diffs tothe clipboard, or exporting them to a text file.

  • When exporting results from a Find Differences window or resultsbrowser, the application now provides a default file name.

  • Results exported from a Find Differences window are now writtenwith Unix line breaks, instead of legacy Mac OS.

  • When exporting results from a Find Differences window or resultsbrowser, the resulting file will only have its file type andcreator assigned if the application determines that the filename indicates that it's not a text file.

  • Fixed a hang which could occur if a codeless languagemodule had a grep pattern that returned a 0-length match.

  • Disable the Replace All command if 'Selected text only'is checked, and the target view has a rectangular selection.

  • Disable all the Find buttons if the search string is empty.

  • Clicks in the text view while the completion panel isdisplayed both dismiss the completion, and move the insertionpoint.

  • Zip browsers' nodes are sorted alphabetically, not bypack date.

  • Changes to the File Filters are reflected immediatelyin Project Windows.

  • Shift Right only adds whitespace to lines that containnon-whitespace characters. The new behavior is keyed to an expertpreference. It is still the default; but if you prefer theprevious behavior, you may enable it:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit AllowShiftRightToIndentWhitespaceOnlyLines -bool YES

    This preference can also be set per-language in the usual fashion,by adding the language's name to the preference key:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit AllowShiftRightToIndentWhitespaceOnlyLines_C++ -bool YES

    (The Expert Preferences help has been updated to include this information.)

  • Changed case of and added a couple additional valuesfor PHP ENT* attribute completions.

  • Fixed a bug which caused the functions popup (andfloater) to display callouts regardless of the preference setting.

  • 'Use Selection for Replace' with an empty selectionclears the replace string.

  • Fixed case in which using 'Replace' or 'Replace & Find'in the Find window would replace the entire contents of thedocument with the replacement string, in specific cases involvinga zero-length Grep match and the document not having a selectionrange.

  • If a remembered window was full screen when quitting,it is restored to that state when starting up.

  • When restoring application state which includes a zip browser,we open a zip browser instead of a disk browser to the parentfolder.

  • When saving a new untitled document, we now make anattempt to pick a reasonable default directory for the savepanel, when a disk browser or instaproject is immediately behindthe document's window.

  • Auto-folds can be collapsed from either start or end indicators.

  • When saving a file with 'Save a Copy' we attempt tocreate the copy with same permissions as the original file.

  • Made a change to improve performance when filteringctags completions by language.

  • Wordsmithing.

  • Fixed a problem where block commented code ended up with an incorrect selection.

  • Corrected a bug which would cause the Preferences window'spanel selector and panel content to get out of sync.

  • Corrected a long-standing bug which made it impossible to clearan existing value (including placeholders) from the Markup Builder Panel.

    Is it too early for scotch?

  • If you enable Typographer's quotes, BBEdit will onlyinsert them in stuff that looks like prose. This allows you tohave fancy quotes in the comments and strings in your C files,but still use the real deal in the code parts. (also works inHTML, etc.)

  • Fixed bug in which synthetic project documents (createdby dropping a folder on the application to create aninstaproject) would report an empty string as their name, whichconfused internal mechanics and would trigger scripting errorswhen attempting to access the document by reference (for example,during a documentDidOpen attachment event).

  • New documents created as output from texttransformations (e.g. Process Lines Containing) will follow thesame rules as all other created or opened documents, whendeciding whether to make a new window or not.

  • Fixed a bug which could cause the scrollbarsize/position to become stale when cutting text.

  • Command-backspace is now an alternative to Command-D inthe 'Save changes before closing' dialog.

  • Fixed a bug which would cause the vertical scrollbar toget out of whack if BBEdit was tracking changes to a file ondisk, and the file got substantially shorter (like less than onescreenful).

  • Corrected horizontal scrollbar calibration when dealingwith long lines containing characters which required glyphsubstitution in the current display font.

  • Assigning or removing a shortcut to a submenu no longercollapses the parent node. While I was at it, selecting a new topmenu resets the scroll position and selection in the right pane,so things look much neater.

  • Call -deselectAll: when loading each pane of the Setupeditors. This looks nicer, IMO.

  • Shell worksheet views get Last Saved and TextStatistics in the status bar.

  • Holding-down the Option key when double-clicking,pressing the Return or Enter keys, clicking the Open button,or closing your eyes and thinking of ponies, will open anadditional FTP/SFTP browser window if the selected item is adirectory. (Just like it says in the manual.)

  • Fixed bug in which the application didn't look forApplication Support/BBEdit/PreferenceData/ in your Dropbox theway the documentation said it did.

    To recap the rules, the following locations are used, in order:

    • If Dropbox/Application Support/BBEdit/PreferenceData/exists, BBEdit will store outboard preferences files there.

    • If ~/Library/BBEdit/ exists, preferences files will livethere. (This is the factory default location for BBEdit 10.0and later.)

    • If~/Library/Preferences/com.barebones.bbedit.PreferenceData/exists, it will be used. Note that the location in~/Library/Preferences/ is only for compatibility withlegacy (9.x and earlier) BBEdit installations. If you have anactive com.barebones.bbedit.PreferenceData folder there,you should move and rename it to ~/Library/BBEdit/ or moveand rename it to Dropbox/ApplicationSupport/BBEdit/PreferenceData/, as appropriate.

    • If no appropriate folder is found, BBEdit will create~/Library/BBEdit/ and store preference data there.

    This only applies to the folder containing non-preference datafiles. The com.barebones.bbedit.plist file is managed entirely bythe system, and you should not move or rename it. (There's no way toshare preferences settings using Dropbox, in other words.)

  • Fixed bug in function generation for Fortran (yes,really) which caused Go -> Functions -> End to fail on the lastfunction in the file.

  • Made some changes to guard against the suspected causeof a crash while attempting to arrange windows under someconditions.

  • Fixed bug in which the function menuwould navigate in the wrong window in situations where a documentwas opened from a Search Results window into an existingmultiple-document window.

  • Added some HTML5 block elements to the default formatprofile (used for the Pretty Print option in Markup -> Utilities-> Format).

  • Fixed crash which would occur when trying to use thescripting interface to create something in a project documentthat didn't make sense.
